Saturday, January 07, 2006


Caught this Japanese/Korean film titled Blood and Bones today with H. Found it disturbing, annoying and at times disgusting.

Stay away if you:

1. are feminist;
2. have zero tolerance for MCPs;
3. hate watching violent films.

I think I am getting old. Maybe I should just stick to light-hearted movies from now on.

Anyway, on the way home in a taxi, we met the most unbearable driver ever. I never liked talkative cabbies but this one really took the cake.

What he jabbered about throughout the journey from Suntec to CCK:

-How he travelled at 170km/hr when he drove in Malaysia. "The car was floating man!"
-How he had rich banker friends who could buy $100K cars for wives.
-How he had friends who frequented casinos in S. Africa.
-How his son was one of the top SATs scorers. (He even recited his son's scores for each individual subject.)
-How his son applied to the Ivy league unis.
-How unis all over the world are trying to get his son into their schools.
-How the MIT interviewer was sooo impressed with his darling son. "He asked my son to try for Harvard! He says my son is gifted!"
-etc, etc, etc.

He either was completely oblivious to our annoyance or he was all out to be a pain in the ass. While H was nice enough to grunt or give a fake laugh at random intervals in his monologue, I shifted between playing with my phone and rolling my eyes. H even had to pretend to answer the phone just to shut him up for a few minutes.

*insert eye-rolling smiley*

And after unloading my pissy-ness, I think I need to go clean my ears out now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

goodness, i know what u mean by annoying taxi drivers!!

when i take the cab to work sometimes.. the taxi drivers just launch into an endless tirade against the govt... AND it's annoying coz u just want some peace and quiet at that time in the morning...


12:08 PM, January 08, 2006  
Blogger mei said...

yesss and sometimes they just dun get the hint even when u r obviously not interested in whatever they r saying!

12:37 AM, January 11, 2006  

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