Wednesday, May 11, 2005

a morbid thought

Last night, when I was on the bus home, I noticed this woman driving an uber seh black shiny BMW convertible, keeping pace with the vehicle I'm on. She had on a nice sweater, nice makeup and nice long brown hair though the wind was making it a bit messed up.

Then something struck me.

What if there was a gust of wind that blew in the "wrong" direction such that her hair gets into her eyes while she is driving? Wouldn't it be very easy for her to get into a traffic accident? (One hand trying to wipe the hair off her bladdy face and another hand trying to steer the wheel, not to mention feeling irritated and probably a bit nervous)

The news headline the next day will probably read:
Designer-coiffed tresses made Bukit Timah tai-tai drive car into roadside canal

Yah, that's the morbid thought that I wanted to share. *guffaws*

Did make me a bit nervous also.. don't think I'll get a convertible next time. (If I ever could afford one.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha... what a morbid thought!!!!!

(then again... i'm not surprised.. haha.. =P)


12:37 AM, May 15, 2005  

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