Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Took an mc today though I still did work in the afternoon. Feeling kind of stressed out.. last week, I got to share the assignment with my colleague, so the burden was halved. This week.. ah.. I have no idea how they can get us to churn out features in 3, 4 days. Don't know how the debrief will go tomorrow.. spent yesterday afternoon and half the afternoon today looking for ungrammatical signboards. Things wouldn't have been that bad if not for the faulty camera I borrowed from the office yesterday. I was happily snapping away then when I played back, it told me the files were corrupted and there was a memory card error. What the hell does that mean???? No pics??? I really don't want to go back to Chinatown to take those lame pictures again. Just 2 wks more.. so near yet so far.. it's driving me crazy... wonder what would happen if I told them I don't want to turn in the story this week.. *gulp*

Anyway, I met up with this guy from the underwater hockey club to get pictures from their training sessions. Fascinating sport man. Imagine 12 human fishes going after a single morsel of food. That's what it looks like during the game. The person I interviewed tried to teach me how to dive and I was a spectacular disaster at doing that hahaha... But oh well at least I know I probably won't drown easily.

What makes me happy about the job is some of the people I got to know. They are nice, accomodating and a joy to hang out with but then at some point, I do wonder if they are nice because they want me to write good things about them. Oh well, let's hope it's not so for some of them cos I really do like some of the people I met.

My stamina is nearly down to zero. Call me a whiner but I hope I'll come down with a 40 deg fever tomorrow and maybe throw in a throat infection for good measure. I need an mc. The longer it lasts, the better.


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