Saturday, April 29, 2006


Got the travel pillow, universal adaptor, most of the toiletries, work pants during the last few days... While shopping with XY at Watsons and watching her dump boxes of plasters, medication, lozenges, toiletries and other stuff into her basket and considering whether to buy the suitcase with the dubious zipper, everything just started to seem more REAL.

QY and gang are flying on Tuesday while XY and I are leaving on Friday, less than a week away. >_<

Being away from Singapore for 3 months is definitely not a walk in the park for me. I have never done it before and I don't know if I will like it. I will miss H, my mother, my beautiful nieces Elvia and Elina, my friends, and heck, even the three rascals at home but I do know I need the break, the change in scenery. I need inspiration on how to lead my post-university life. I need to find myself. I need to grow up.

Having said that, I hope everyone will take care of themselves when I am away and keep me updated with the latest gossip! Even if I yearn for the break, I do look forward to coming home 3 months later to people who love me and embrace this new phase of my life. :)


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