Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Lost sheep?

I've been tired lately. The weeks surrounding the start of the year were unexpectedly loaded with deadlines. Gone are the days when I could leave the office at 6 sharp. These few days, even the boss leaves earlier than I do.

Really, it's good to be given some pretty important tasks to do but I'm conflicted as to whether I made the right choice in choosing this job. Well, okay, maybe 2 months back, there wasn't much of a choice because I was desperate for some income. Now, it seems diving head-on into an industry I am not familiar with is not that great an idea. I never expected how so little satisfaction can be derived (for myself) from doing something that's not related to writing or photography. (Well, basically things I'm familiar with and trained in.)

Now I juggle multiple roles as the boss's personal secretary, an account service exec and a slab of sardine between 2 persons I shall not name for professional courtesy.

H says I'm lost and I guess I really am. Not knowing what I want to achieve for myself in life is scary. I want to live life with passion... but passion... for what?


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