Saturday, April 09, 2005

a relaxing saturday for a change

Alright, so it is not thAt relaxing cos I still had to wake up at 7am for work today but I have finished all my assignments for now. I am safe as long as there are no last minute double-murders or industrial explosions or chemical spills... You catch my drift.

Went to watch Budak last night. It's been eons since we last went there. Saw a few familiar faces. It was a shame we did not reach early enough to get a table. We had to sit among the last few rows which was really not conducive for enjoying a concert because it was too noisy and the people in front of us were so damn tall.

But Budak was hilarious as usual. Their attempt at rock had me cracking up when they tried to screech and growl at the same time during the chorus *guffaws*. And who can forget their birthday song sang to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner? They never fail to amaze everyone when they mimick the sound of fireworks. And probably no one else can do a Mexican accent as comically as can Michael Wong *grin*. Next time must go earlier to chope a table.

Anyway here's Budak's blog site for those who are interested.

Really glad to have gotten over this week's assignment. It was stressful but yet pleasantly memorable now (weird I know). Why was it pleasant? One incident made all the difference. I was interviewing this old school mate (whom I didn't know back then.. he's a friend's friend) and after the interview he said, "Do you know why I helped you? Cos you're from RV."


Probably only those from RV can truly understand what that meant to me. It was sweet and made me feel warm to know that after so many years, there are a few people who still miss the good old times and will not think twice about lending a hand to a person who studied in just a few classrooms away from theirs even if in the past they have never spoken more than a sentence to each other. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yoz.. haha.. yeah i understand what you mean.. really glad to have known you all these years.. here's to many more years of friendship!!

(meanwhile, stop tempting me with ktv..)

=D yz

10:33 PM, April 09, 2005  
Blogger mei said...

yeah man.. here's to more long lunches, tea breaks, shallow conversations, A+ projects and accumulating bad karma :)

wahaha u know u want, no it's need, ktv... :P

11:50 PM, April 09, 2005  

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