Sunday, June 25, 2006

Taking a break

I took a walk to the Hollywood Cemetary today. It is nice to do something alone for a change. I haven't been to a cemetary in Singapore so this was the first time for me. The property was so huge that I lost my way, along with some other people. With some help, we all managed to find our way to the exit.

It seems weird but I enjoyed the tour through the cemetary. This is like THE cemetary because many famous people lie under it. There are ex-presidents, governors, celebrities and soldiers who died in war.

And it was slow and peaceful. :)

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Some sights on the way to the cemetary...

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Summer has officially started over here. What better way to kick it off than to take a trip to Virginia Beach? Needless to mention, it was a blast because of the people. Now we can't wait for our Orlando trip in July!

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Last Saturday, we went exploring downtown. Headed to Farmer's Market and the Edgar A. Poe museum, the Holocaust musem and actually watched bull-riding at the Coliseum! Unfortunately, I lost a whole bunch of pictures because the camera connector screwed up on me. Must be all the bad karma accumulated... (w) super heartpain. Here are some of the pictures salvaged. Will try to post more as I scavenge through my friends' laptops tonight for pix that I may have uploaded.

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XL and I at the Farmer's Market. We bought apples. 2 for $1. Considered cheap over here.

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Don't remember what this place was... the new City Hall maybe?

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XL, ZK and I outside the Coliseum right after we collected our tickets. Whoopie!

And some other pix from previous off days.

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QY and I at Maymont park. I really love wearing shades now. LOL.

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Goofing around at the costume store at Carytown. :P

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Things I am missing out on by coming on the WAT:

1. Coldplay concert in Singapore
2. Mayday concert in Taipei on July 23 (like again?!?!?!!?)

*clutches heart and faints*