Monday, June 30, 2008

It's so ironic

Every month, I tell women what to eat, drink and do to keep themselves happy, healthy and glowy. But yet I feel like the least balanced person in the world now.

Fatigue - Check
Crabby mood - Check
Sore throat - Check

No idea how I'm supposed to survive both the work trip next week + the run the weekend after...

Oh well at least the boss managed to arrange for me to have my own room at the resort. Have to thank her for that. Hopefully spending a week with the sun and sea will toss out some new perspectives to things.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dream Big

Caught a rather interesting movie yesterday called 21. It's about how a group of MIT undergrads (all Math whizzes) makes a killing in Vegas by counting cards at Blackjack. After a few weekends, the originally poor struggling students were soaking up the high life in Sin City by staying in high roller suites, buying designer gear, leaving big tips at clubs. As Ben Campbell in the film put it: "Nothing was too expensive" and "I'm having more fun than I ever had in my life".

Not that playing BJ became their long-term vocation but I couldn't help drawing a comparison between them and myself.

They had:
- Above-average intelligence
- At least a degree from MIT if this BJ stint didn't work out
- The guts to dream BIG

I have:
- Average intelligence
- A Bachelor's degree from a university in SEA that most foreigners probably haven't heard of
- The guts to dream but the lack of execution


I know it's ridiculous to compare myself to a bunch of almost-entirely fictional characters and I most definitely do not need high-roller suites and designer gear to be happy. But when you're caught in a career rut, all you want to do is think of a way out - and fast. Tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

U know u need help when...

1. All you can think about during work is playing Harpoon Lagoon.

2. You subconsciously start blog-surfing and completely forgot which story you were supposed to be researching on.

3. You'd rather be out taking pictures for your new photo blog.

Monday, June 09, 2008

It's a start...

After many weeks of excuses, I finally put on my running shoes and hit the tarmac this evening. Lotsa training to do before the run (next month!) if I want to finish in one piece.