Saturday, May 28, 2005

3 weeks

It's nearing the end of another week and I've finished my PI report finally though it's quite shitty hahaha... hopefully no one reads it eventually...

ahh... suddenly feel like reading a good book.. recommendations anyone?

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

nearly ending

4 weeks more to the end = nearer to holiday = a looming pi report deadline

which explains why I am awake at this time of the night (morning) when I have to work in a few hours' time.

Well, anyway I just wanted to recap the stuff that happened yesterday (Sunday). It was really fruitful. Went out shooting at Bright Hill temple with XL and then shopping and eating and talking (not just crap).

The pictures turned out pretty sucky - quite a few out of focus, poor composition... but it is good practice I suppose, a warm-up before school starts. I almost forgot how sweaty it can get going out to take pictures. Just 5 minutes and you can wring the sweat out from your T-shirt. Maybe I'll post a couple of decent shots after I get down to looking at them properly.

Shopping was fab, if not tiring. My toes were screaming for help in my slip-ons but did I care? No. Shopping does great things for your mental health and bad things to your wallet, not that you'll notice until you check your bank balance the next time. Ah.. the wonders of retail therapy. One trip, I spend about $120 = 4 days of work *faint*

It was nice sitting down and talking with XL the really serious things for once like wondering where to go after graduation and the kind of lives we want to lead in future, the dollars and sense. It is comforting knowing that I am not alone in feeling more than a tad nervous about getting out of school.

A passion for your career is what is most important, we say, and I believe that is what is making us quite torn because oftentimes being passionate about something incurs a lot of opportunity costs and the interest may never pay off.

Earlier this evening, a school mate called to ask about the darn pi report and we were both bemoaning our lacklustre 2nd-lower class grades. It really sucks to be mediocre. You know you're not dumb but you're just not outstanding in any area and because of that you get passed on for a lot of things. And don't even get started on the "If you strive hard, you can do it!". Although that is always the right attitude to take, it doesn't always work this way. The competitiveness in Singapore is freaky. So what if you work hard? Your peers are doing the same and more! And you just end up killing yourself competing in the rat race.

Do I have a solution to offer? Not really, except to find your niche and make it your selling point. Don't bother with things that won't matter eventually.

Friday, May 20, 2005

tick tock tick tock

It 's 10.21pm now and I am waiting for a reply that was supposed to have come in at 7pm. Why can't some people keep to their promises or at least tell me if they can't make the time?

Worse still: Why can't the bosses tell me earlier if they want to make changes to my work? Just one day makes a hell lot of difference.

*grumble grumble grumble*

The good thing about staying on late in the office is the free transport that is available.

long weekend!

OMG I DON'T HAVE TO WORK TOMORROW! *weeps tears of joy*

hahaha... but then need to work on PI report.. which is really quite a load of crap.. 2000 to 5000 words and we hear it's not graded.. so why do?!?!?

Ans: cos everyone else will be doing it.

hahaha.. herd mentality la.. but can't be helped.. we all gotta cover our asses.

They're making us shift to a new location in the office. Looking at all the crap on my table, I have no idea how to start packing. Terok..

Good news of the day: Kendra is the new Apprentice! I have never ever been happier! The worthiest apprentice to date in my opinion and a woman somemore! So proud of her!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

so unbecoming..

I have come to realise that all I ever do lately on my blog is rant.

For the whole of late last night and this morning, yz and I have been whining non-stop about work. It has become a terrible habit and I hate it but yet I can't stop, especially after my editor told me to go stake out this seedy place AGAIN (read yesterday's post) later today. *faint*

Sometimes, the worry and stress seem to manifest itself into nausea. At times, it feels like I'm always short of breath or there's something pounding at my ribs or chest.

I guess it's my fault for always feeling this way. Every time things seem to get better, something will come along to make the negativity come back.

I'm counting down like a kid who just learnt her numbers. After today, there'll be 22 days left.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

almost forgot

Ah.. ok.. decided to be more positive.

Cos I just recalled the wonderful weekend (Fri/Sat) hanging out with old friends and it really put things into perspective.

F**k the work stress. There are way more important (and happier) things in to world to think about.

Found out on Sat that a good friend will be getting married in August in Spain. Envious yet? *guffaws*

Will miss her for sure. Hope everything works out well for her marriage and studies/career.

Anyway, it's just 5 weeks more to the end of my internship. 23 days to be exact. *twirls around to do a little celebratory dance*


Not a very good day.

Bloody hell. Today I waited 2 hours for a source to appear only to find out she quit and I even got a scolding from her ex-boss just because I made a 30-sec enquiry in the afternoon that cost her 20 billion customers.

That irritating woman called me a NUISANCE. ME. A NUISANCE.

For someone to call me names when she doesn't even know who I am or what I am doing is simply INFURIATING.

Of all the indignities to suffer on the job!!! I couldn't even lose my temper with her or I would lose my only hope of contacting my source?!?!?!?!? Not to mention looking super unprofessional. After all, I am not representing myself, but an organisation, when I am on a job. It is really really iiiirriiiiiiitaaaaaatiiiiiing. How I wish I could go back there and wring her scrawny neck or knock out her cigarette-stained teeth.

No. I must stay zen on this. *struggles to keep the expletives from rising up the throat*

Monday, May 16, 2005


I'm going for a holiday! I'm going for a holiday! I'm going for a holiday!

hehehe... 5 weeks more.. can't wait!!

-insert a million grinning smileys-

Tell me if you wanna get anything from Phuket!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

a morbid thought

Last night, when I was on the bus home, I noticed this woman driving an uber seh black shiny BMW convertible, keeping pace with the vehicle I'm on. She had on a nice sweater, nice makeup and nice long brown hair though the wind was making it a bit messed up.

Then something struck me.

What if there was a gust of wind that blew in the "wrong" direction such that her hair gets into her eyes while she is driving? Wouldn't it be very easy for her to get into a traffic accident? (One hand trying to wipe the hair off her bladdy face and another hand trying to steer the wheel, not to mention feeling irritated and probably a bit nervous)

The news headline the next day will probably read:
Designer-coiffed tresses made Bukit Timah tai-tai drive car into roadside canal

Yah, that's the morbid thought that I wanted to share. *guffaws*

Did make me a bit nervous also.. don't think I'll get a convertible next time. (If I ever could afford one.)

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Going bonkers..

You know there's something wrong with you when every time you get into a cab, you wish for an accident to happen so that you can have a two-week MC and a heap of monetary compensation and insurance money.

*sniff sniff*

I hate colds.

The week is nearly ending.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

6.5 weeks more... :)

Another week past = one week nearer to end of internship + more ranting

But I won't be whining in detail here to spare everyone the negativity haha..

Really looking forward to going for a nice holiday after June 18. Check this out.

Well it's not Aleenta or Soneva Gili but it'll do for now. :)