4 weeks more to the end = nearer to holiday = a looming pi report deadline
which explains why I am awake at this time of the night (morning) when I have to work in a few hours' time.
Well, anyway I just wanted to recap the stuff that happened yesterday (Sunday). It was really fruitful. Went out shooting at Bright Hill temple with XL and then shopping and eating and talking (not just crap).
The pictures turned out pretty sucky - quite a few out of focus, poor composition... but it is good practice I suppose, a warm-up before school starts. I almost forgot how sweaty it can get going out to take pictures. Just 5 minutes and you can wring the sweat out from your T-shirt. Maybe I'll post a couple of decent shots after I get down to looking at them properly.
Shopping was fab, if not tiring. My toes were screaming for help in my slip-ons but did I care? No. Shopping does great things for your mental health and bad things to your wallet, not that you'll notice until you check your bank balance the next time. Ah.. the wonders of retail therapy. One trip, I spend about $120 = 4 days of work *faint*
It was nice sitting down and talking with XL the really serious things for once like wondering where to go after graduation and the kind of lives we want to lead in future, the dollars and sense. It is comforting knowing that I am not alone in feeling more than a tad nervous about getting out of school.
A passion for your career is what is most important, we say, and I believe that is what is making us quite torn because oftentimes being passionate about something incurs a lot of opportunity costs and the interest may never pay off.
Earlier this evening, a school mate called to ask about the darn pi report and we were both bemoaning our lacklustre 2nd-lower class grades. It really sucks to be mediocre. You know you're not dumb but you're just not outstanding in any area and because of that you get passed on for a lot of things. And don't even get started on the "If you strive hard, you can do it!". Although that is always the right attitude to take, it doesn't always work this way. The competitiveness in Singapore is freaky. So what if you work hard? Your peers are doing the same and more! And you just end up killing yourself competing in the rat race.
Do I have a solution to offer? Not really, except to find your niche and make it your selling point. Don't bother with things that won't matter eventually.