Friday, July 29, 2005


Just when I thought I was becoming more mature, I got back into the habit of playing with Neopets online again.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I thought school would be a blast after 6 months of work slavery but I was quite wrong. It feels really weird to be back at school. The topics of discussion suddenly became sooo.. academic? It suddenly felt juvenile to be an undergraduate. And not to mention the clothes.. everyone just looks young though I feel like a hundred years old. Think I've become an old fogey after internship. Maybe working life does suit me better.

A school mate told me her two friends have taken over my and R's places at the paper. And I am glad to know that they too hate the job as much as we did. At least now I know there's nothing wrong with my head the last 6 months when I was whining every day.

Monday, July 25, 2005

I give up trying to sleep. Not that I made much of an effort to rest. After finishing Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince, my mind is absolutely whirling.

How could JKR kill off Dumbledore? He is what the yoda is to Star Wars. The wise one. The one who looks at the big picture sooner than everyone else. The one with the greatest powers on the good side. Maybe she was trying to make the series more unpredictable now, what with Potter announcing that he's going to leave Hogwarts next year to embark on his journey of quelling Voldemort. *gasp* I meant He-who-must-not-be-named. I don't know how she's going to weasel out of this twist she put in, though I know for sure Potter will never be left alone to fight the monster. He's neither skilled nor experienced enough. I see the members of the Order and the D.A giving him LOADS of help if the story is to continue convincingly. But the most important thing is, if Potter really leaves school, the element of fun is gone in my humble opinion. The funny parts of the books almost all happen in their classes, in their getting into trouble with teachers, etc. I sure hope the series will continue to have some of those comical elements in it no matter how the plot develops.

Ah.. just abt 1.5 hr before I have to "wake up" and prepare for school. I hope it won't be too heavy yet. I don't want to fall asleep in class on the 1st day!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Carl's Jr.... I have never eaten a bigger burger, even though mine is just the Western Bacon Cheeseburger. H took the Double Burger - 2 beef patties, 2 strips of bacon, 2 slices of cheese, onion rings (in the burger) and a generous douse of BBQ sauce.

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*BURP* The room smells of BBQ sauce now. The burgers are great for hungry people man though a lil expensive. At least 8 bux for a meal. Was shiok while it lasted. Oh and did i mention it's free flow for soft drinks?


Been listening heavily to Kelly Clarkson. When I listen to her, I am reminded of how I fell in love with Mariah Carey when I first heard her Music Box album many years ago. Of course now I don't respect her that much anymore cos she's become so tarty. *shudders*

Given, Clarkson's songs are no rocket science. They are just cheesy love songs with lousy lyrics but there's just something that draws me to her music. I love a powerful voice and I know the real thing when I hear it. There's no faking the way Kelly Clarkson scales up and down the difficult embellishments. She is a real diva. All she has to do now is not go the path of Mariah Carey.

gloomy weather

It's been raining for the last two days and it doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon. All plans to swim have come to nought. I just want to stay home every day to read, surf the net and watch Discovery Travel and Living.

Anyway, just checked Studentlink and saw my result for internship. It was a pass, thank god. But I was mildly disappointed to know that there wasn't any grade awarded for it. I bet everyone had a pass. I was hoping a good grade for the internship could perhaps, just perhaps, pull me out of the 2nd-lower/3rd class rung. Oh well. Wishful thinking.

Don't know why I get sianz out thinking about the lousy honours I'll be getting. After all, many people have reminded me that our portfolios are just as, if not more, important in impressing a prospective employer. *cheers up at the thought*

In any case, school will be starting next week. Final year now. No goofing around. Gotta keep up with readings, keep up with the news and start mugging from day 1.

Friday, July 15, 2005

unbelievably horrid

Just found out that a senior of mine, M, was just metres away from the double-decker bus at Tavistock Place when it exploded last week. In the mayhem, the confusion, the terror, all she wanted was for someone to go fetch her from the devastated scene because she was all alone and afraid. She had two close friends staying in the area. BUT both guys did not want to go fetch her even when the situation had more or less subsided and she implored them to do so. One even said "If you die, you die lor. I won't feel guilty."

WTF. These bastards should go to hell. Holed up in their comfy apartment, they did not want to step out to help a girl who has cared for them, listened to their woes in the wee hours and treated them as true friends over the years. Freakin selfish cowards.

Here's an exerpt from the blog of one of the bastards who unfortunately also happens to be my senior in secondary school. He wrote this in response to what's happened:

"I have never believed in entitlement. Friends are friends because you enjoy one another's company, not because they are able to help you on one way or another. That is my simple defination of friends. To each his own. If one is unable to take care of one's own needs, who will? As I've said to Miss Q once, I do enjoy their company, but when I'm in UK, I wouldn't really think of them. No excuses, no embaressment. That is exactly what was happening and that was how I expressed myself. I believe that love, friends or otherwise is limited. Perhaps I don't love my friends that much, but it's not my fault that this is so! It's no one's fault. It's just the way it is. Harsh but true.With a limited love, there is a limit to the things that we are willing/able to do for our friends. We live for ourselves, we fight for ourselves. If there happens to be a friend who loves me enough to lend me a helping hand, great. If not, there really is nothing wrong. "

This is the kind of person whom no one will shed a tear for at his funeral.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


I hate mouth ulcers!!! The 2 HUGE ones on my lower lip are killing me!! All cos I bit on my lip TWICE in two days last week. Why do I have to eat so quickly?!?! Sheesh.. now even sliding my lip across my teeth hurts like hell.. I seriously feel like chopping my lip off.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Been lazing around for too long...

After more than a week of inactivity, I've finally found the energy in my fingers to replace the non-functional old tagboard and also to update my blog.

I went for H's convo this afternoon, my first time attending such a ceremony. Turned out to be quite a yawn, not that it was unexpected, but it wasn't a waste of time. While waiting for the ceremony to start, I managed to read 4 chapters of the da vinci code (yes i know i'm slow in catching on).

And it got interesting at times. This girl sitting in front of me (she looks about 12) got so bored in the middle of things that she started to take pictures of herself in different expressions from different angles. Luckily she didn't turn on her flash, if not she'd have been blind by the end of the 1.5 hrs.

I busied myself looking at the projection screen, looking out for cuties. Unfortunately, there was none. Also killed time sms-ing H from time to time. He seemed pretty shocked that there are so many Tans in his school, especially when we were getting impatient with the ceremony and couldn't wait for it to be over.

Makes me wonder if I should attend my own convocation ceremony.

Anyway, Auntie Poon, if you're reading this, pls reply our emails! We want to hear your story. Badly. *guffaws*

Friday, July 01, 2005

still can't see my tagboard

This is so bizarre. My tagboard just refuses to appear. Wonder if I should get a new one or take it away all together.

Another annoying thing is the sun rash I've developed from the trip. First time this has ever happened to me and I didn't even bake for that long in the sun. Blame it on sensitive skin and sheer yaya-ness for not using sunblock on 1st day of tanning. Bleah. Hope the spots fade away soon. I guess I should feel lucky that they don't itch.

The holi-syndrome is setting in. Sleeping after 3am, waking up after noon, have lunch, snack a lot, spend the 1st few hours of the day wondering how to spend the time constructively, take dinner, watch tv (loads of it.. I'm hooked on discovery travel & living and ch52.. I swear if I'd had cable tv much sooner, I'd probably had gone to a culinary sch to try to be a chef..)... and the hours just tick by faster than I can identify the day of the week.

Should I get a job? There's an opening to be a sales officer for Starhub and then there's a call for volunteers to interview disabled people and write about them for a fund-raising event organised by Very Special Arts Singapore but no $$. Wonder if I should take up the latter option.

Met up with an ex-schoolmate for dinner last evening. Nice to know we could still keep pace with each other even though we haven't met up for probably more than a year. With old friends, you fall into this comfort zone that you find difficult to crawl out from. It's safe, old friends don't judge you (or least they don't appear to) and there's no need to put on any pretence.. Maybe that's why it's hard for me to make friends with new people. Or maybe it is wariness. Or shyness. Or perhaps I am simply can't be bothered to expand my social circle. Probably a little of everything.

Someone close will be moving to the UK soon to begin a new chapter of her life. She's officially the first of my friends (in the same age group) to get married. Unfortunately, we most likely won't be able to see her walk down the aisle. I'm sure she'll look beautiful though. Last time I spoke with her, she said she wanted to get a Greek-inspired white floaty dress. Hope she takes loads of pictures so we don't miss out too much. :)